In times of a pandemic, it is not only important but absolutely necessary to avoid public transport as much as possible. In the best of worlds, we would all get around in our own vehicles during a period like this. It would clearly have helped to keep the country's high infection rates down.
"Even though it is difficult to find optimal solutions in times when we are working against the wind, we can all do our best to contribute to a declining infection curve. We at Vässla offer a fully adequate alternative for those who want to travel as smoothly as safely. All year round."
A way to avoid public transport.
"We are in a period where we constantly need to weigh the pros and cons of different social situations. And with different modes of transport. Most importantly, we must do everything to keep the infection curve down. This means we need to stay away from all types of crowds and all places where many people gather. All places where the virus thrives. Like in public transport. Our electric vehicles Vässla 2 and Vässla Bike are means of transport that guarantee minimal human contact, without compromising on comfort and environmental impact."
Minimal environmental impact, maximum infection protection
It doesn't sound so environmentally friendly that everyone should go around on mopeds, you might think? But it can be with our electric vehicles. At least much more environmentally friendly than getting around in other vehicles. Riding on electricity is significantly more environmentally friendly than getting around via a fossil-powered moped. Or even worse car.
Here are some of the many advantages of driving silently on electricity:
You save time. Read about this here. You take the environment into account. Read about this here. You can drive 4-6 miles, and then charge directly via the electrical outlet. An electric moped is easy to fix and service. You get a fun driving experience.
Our electric vehicles Vässla 2 and Vässla Bike are a great option for those who want to get around smoothly and safely during tangled and contagious times. Here you can read more about our different vehicles.
If you are interested in taking a test lap, you are most welcome to contact us at we will get back to you with suggestions on where you can test drive our vehicles. But you, come only if you are really completely healthy!